Wednesday, December 10, 2008

White Gold

Snow is in the forecast! Several inches possible. I hope so. Our house is cupped by Pakatakan Mountain and overlooks a couple different tiers (or micro-climates) of land, including a pond, stream, field, and forest, and when it snows it's like we're sitting inside a snow globe. But mostly I hope it snows for the ski hills - especially our beleaguered Belleayre. (But that's another post.) Snow is what makes the economy up here in the winter months. And the economy, as we all know, is melting down in major proportions. Our small towns depend on tourists and skiers, snowboarders, hikers, hunters, and all those who need to take a breather once in a while - so I'm hoping for some white gold in major proportions. 

Speaking of the economy, I'm buying local this holiday season. Gives me a reason to visit all of my favorite businesses up and down Route 28. As I do, I'll be blogging about these small businesses - really, labors of love - that make the Catskills so cool, most of which blend a rural and urban aesthetic  seamlessly. (There isn't a box store, chain store, mega store, or brand name store within fifty miles!) 

Stay tuned for Shop the Catskills, a recurring post about local businesses. 

For more info on buying locally, check out this link for Pure Catskills, a "branding and buy local campaign" sponsored by the Watershed Agricultural Council, farmers, and fresh food purveyors.

Note: The Catskill region used to be known for its cauliflower production, which farmers called white gold, as it sent many a farm kid to college.


1 comment:

Tara Collins said...

Thanks for mentioning Pure on your blog! I too am buying locally produced food products as holiday gifts this year. Just think of the immediate impact we would have if we each bought $10 of product from local growers/producers!

Along with member specifics, the Pure Catskills site has a terrific calendar that highlights regional farmers markets, events, local happenings (and Google Map links get you there).

The Pure Catskills Buy Local campaign is a right step in the right direction for stimulating the local Catskill economy. Our mantra of "Good Food. Clean Water." reinforces the connection to WAC's overall mission of watershed land use and practies that benefit clean drinking water for over nine million NYC residents.

Along with te PC buy local brand awareness for agricultural products, WAC endorses an economic initiative for regionally based wood-products,

Check it out and Buy Local!